
Showing posts from December, 2020

Four Reflections From 2020

Four Reflections From 2020 Number One - Expect the Unexpected Let’s reflect on 2020 for a moment. From the devastating fires in Australia, to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle quitting the royal family, the passing of Kobe Bryant, the impeachment of the President, the Stock Market crash, Black Lives Matter Protests, Murder Hornets, West Coast fires, Crazy Election Night, Stock Market recovery...and that Coronavirus thing. Weddings, graduations, high school sports, vacations were upended. Trade shows gone. Dining in a restaurant was a special event. Zoom. Thanksgiving, Christmas, you get the picture. You lived it. My personal favorite was losing my appendix 100 miles from home. As a person who loves strategy and execution, this year required more flexibility and patience than ever before. Admittedly, I did not handle everything with grace. Yet, life always changes and learning to deal with ambiguity is a great skill because things Always change. That is a Constant. This year was ju...

Day 15 - (Day 50) - Wait! Do this before you open your presents...

Do your push ups! That's right, do your push ups before you start your Christmas and open your presents and eat your cinnamon rolls. You will feel so much better if you do that. Today is 55 push ups and mission completed with 55 consecutive in one set. What a gift! Getting your exercise done before the day starts gives you momentum and energy throughout the day. Making a difference for your health is the greatest gift that you can provide for yourself so you have the ability to make a greater difference for others. And by the Way, Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

Day 11 - (Day 51) - One of my favorite days of the year

I have many favorite days of the year. Christmas, New Year's Eve, 4th of July, anniversary, my birthday. Those are the easy ones. But not many people call Winter Solstice their favorite day of year. It is definitely one of mine. Here in western Oregon, this is the shortest day of the year, in Portland we have only 8 hours and 42 minutes. Grateful, that I am not in Alaska. Do I dance around fires and celebrate this day - absolutely not. But, what I do love is everyday gets longer until summer. Enjoy the extra minutes of daylight - everyday. By June 21st, we will have 15 hours and 41 minutes of daylight. PS - 51 push ups. 1 set. Let's go.

Day 10 - (Day 50) - Anticipating Your Goals

The anticipation of reaching new goals can excite you to move forward or they can scare you to stop. I have had concerns whether I can reach these new goals. Can I do 20 push ups in a row, 30, 40 or 50? On day 35, I was very concerned - will I be able to do 40 on video? Therefore, I decided to push ahead and completed 40 push ups a few days earlier to confirm that I could get it done. So I did and the fear went away. On Day 49, I did one more push up to get #50. Therefore, today, was the 2nd time that I was able to do 50 consecutive push ups. So what is next? Day 51. Let's do it.

Day 5 - (Day 45) - How to do pushups 5 different styles

We are on Day 5, Day 45. Today, I completed 45 consecutive pushups in one set. I rested at the top after 40 push ups to get there; but continued without hitting the ground or bowing up my body. This picture here includes me at the top of the rep and Abby at the bottom on the rep. This article link goes into detail on how to do push ups. In standard push ups, you will have your legs fully extended. 1. Start with your chest and stomach flat on the ground. Legs extended behind you and your hands at chest level with arms bent near a 45 degree angle. 2. Push your self up from your hands, bring your body and thighs off the ground. Exhale as you push up. 3. Pause for a moment in the plank position at the top. (Admittedly, I do not pause much.) 4. Inhale as you return back to starting position; however you should NOT touch the ground with your chest and stomach on the way down. The article also includes wall pushups, seated pushups, kneeling pushups and incline pushups. My workout focuse...

Day 3 - (Day 43) - Why wait until New Years Day to change your habits?

According to, 80% of New Year's resolutions fail by the 2nd week of February. Interesting - that is about 40 Days. This is why we need to plan for that next 40 Day Plan during the last 5 days of our last 40 Day Plan. Set the next 40 days to have incremental improvement over the previous 40 days. Many of us are waiting to get through the holidays, and then New Years and then the first full week of January. We just missed out on 3 weeks of getting back to our goals rather than feeling sorry for ourselves because we gained another 10 pounds on top of our COVID-15 pounds. Why wait? Get into your habits now. Second big reason that New Year's resolutions fail...we set the big goal...but without the little goals to get there. For example, I have a goal to run a half-marathon in 2021. I am purposely using the Push Up and stretching program to get back into shape. I plan to start running outside again after I complete the next 40 Day Plan. By this time, the weather will...

Day One - (Day 41) - Say What?

After accomplishing your goals, the best thing to do is to set another set of goals to keep moving forward, NOW. We need to keep on climbing. One of the biggest challenges with Astronauts after returning from space - is what's next? In the early years, many astronauts had to overcome depression because they had already completed their life goal. NASA has learned that they prepare the next set of big challenges to keep them moving forward to accomplishing their next goal. At Amazon, every day is Day One. Look at every opportunity and your current position as a great place to start making a difference. For all of your are my next 40 Days Get Back in Shape Goals. You are welcome to join them or not at any day or interval. 1) Push Ups - Continuing Push Ups EVERY Day. Today, was 41 push ups. By the end of Day 40 (80), it will be 80 per day. This 40 Day challenge will end on January 20th. 2) No Starbucks. This will be harder for me than the Push Up challenge. Way...

Day 40 - We did it!

Measuring Your Goals! Today is Day 40 for the Push Yourself Up to Make a Difference campaign to raise money for Homeboy Industries. We did it! Lets celebrate! With your help, we raised thousands of dollars for Homeboy Industries. Thank you for all of your donations, support and encouragement. It has been 3 months since my appendix burst and I had a week long stay recovering in a remote hospital. Raising money has been great, recovery is near complete - but was has made me the happiest is to learn that my 14-year old daughter Abby was doing the program on her own. Many other friends, family members and contacts throughout have Push themselves up to make a difference. Thank you for your love and encouragement. This is the joy when we work together to accomplish goals that make a difference. This is the last weekend to raise money. Here is the link. To follow my blog on the daily challenges and to learn about the next goals, go here. ...

Day 39 - Just One More Push Up

A couple of days after the surgery, my wife delivered this Gorilla. With a mask. It was one of the few positive things that kept me smiling during a very difficult week in the hospital. I just needed one thing to keep my mind focused on the future and a reminder that things will get better. 3 months later, I completed 39 consecutive push ups. I hope you did too, however you were able to do it. One more day and we accomplish the Goal of 40. Just One More Push Up.

Day 38 - The Rewards of Consistency

For 31 years, my good friend Grant and I have been Christmas shopping every year together. Through this consistency two benefits have happenend. #1) It has provided a great reason for Grant and I to meet each year. #2) I actually get my Christmas shopping done. This year could have been different. After I returned from my week long stay in the hospital from my burst appendix surgery, I could not even walk to my mailbox. Yesterday, we were able to renew the Christmas tradition and it was a great feeling. It was consistency and doing everything to get back into shape so I could carry those presents around the mall. The best part of in-person shopping is buying those things you would never normally buy. Get your push ups done - 38 today! Let's do it.

Day 36 - How many push ups does it take to qualify for the military?

If you have been following the 40 Day program you are well on your way to qualify for the military. The minimum amount to for boot camp is 35 push ups for men and 13 push ups for women in 2 minutes. However, the test also includes sit-ups and 2 mile run.   Military Push Up Test Requirements

Day 35 - Building Confidence

As I started this fundraiser / get back into shape program, I was probably at 70% back to normal. The gradual and continuous program and I am starting to feel like normal again, closer to 95%. 35 push ups today, one set. Almost there. Hope you are feeling better too. And thank you for your generous donations where we have exceeded the goal!

Day 34 - Mind games

34 push ups to complete today and the 40 Day program has almost completed. Each day continues to bring a challenge and I am close to breaking this into 2 sets. However, my personal challenge is to complete all 40 reps in one set. My Jedi mind trick - I count the push ups with sets of 10. For example, after I count to 10 push ups and say “one” and then start again at one, two, three and complete the second set with “two” to indicate another set of 10. These are still consecutive push ups but I try to break down into smaller sets and reps to not feel so intimidating. Today, was simply the fourth time that I said four when completing the 34th push up. We are almost there. Keep pushing yourself to meet this milestone. I hope you are reaching new goals with this program.

Day 31 - Post Your Push Up Picture

My East Coast gang are doing push ups under the Brooklyn Bridge. Post or send me your photos to post of doing your Push Ups wherever you are located. Show off your push up form. 31 push ups down. My youngest daughter Abby (14)  joined me with one set of 31 consecutive push ups. Keep it going!