Day 5 - (Day 45) - How to do pushups 5 different styles

We are on Day 5, Day 45. Today, I completed 45 consecutive pushups in one set. I rested at the top after 40 push ups to get there; but continued without hitting the ground or bowing up my body. This picture here includes me at the top of the rep and Abby at the bottom on the rep. This article link goes into detail on how to do push ups. In standard push ups, you will have your legs fully extended. 1. Start with your chest and stomach flat on the ground. Legs extended behind you and your hands at chest level with arms bent near a 45 degree angle. 2. Push your self up from your hands, bring your body and thighs off the ground. Exhale as you push up. 3. Pause for a moment in the plank position at the top. (Admittedly, I do not pause much.) 4. Inhale as you return back to starting position; however you should NOT touch the ground with your chest and stomach on the way down. The article also includes wall pushups, seated pushups, kneeling pushups and incline pushups. My workout focuses on standard pushups.


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