How to apply six key traits to go from 15 cents to millionaire, with international bestseller Jim Britt

Staring at a home foreclosure, a car repossession, only a few coins in his pocket, and a family to feed, Jim Britt has seen “rock bottom.” His inspiring story of climbing back from those struggles to his current status as a millionaire, bestseller, and internationally known speaker is one that any business owner — or any *person* — can learn from.


Jim is an award-winning author of 15 #1 international best-selling books. He is an internationally recognized business and life strategist who is highly sought after as a keynote speaker and success strategist. He’s one of the world’s top 50 speakers and top 20 life and success coaches. 


Tune into the full episode for more on Jim’s personal story, the six core traits that every millionaire exhibits, why Jim never writes down his goals (and the important mindset shift he encourages people to make to actually find success), and a lot more. 


Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn: 


  • Why Jim never misses a sunrise, and why he thinks of his time as a “shopping spree”

  • The top traits that millionaires have

  • The mindset shift that people need to make in order to succeed — and why Jim never writes down goals for his life 

  • What separates successful entrepreneurs from those who never reach their goals

  • Why the start of Jim’s career in sales was “part desperation, part inspiration”

  • How Jim bounced back from the time when his car had been repossessed, his house foreclosed, and 15 cents in his pocket

  • Why learning to let go has been such an important lesson for Jim 

  • The only two emotions that you experience as a human, according to Jim 

  • What was missing from Jim’s original sales process, and how he worked to close that gap

  • The 3 destinations a potential prospect needs to arrive at before they’re “viable”

  • How Jim measures success in his life — after attaining so much of it — plus his top book recommendation after reading more than 4,000 in his lifetime


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:


Check out this episode!


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