Day 7 - One Week officially in the Books

Working on that daily habit to exercise again. 7 Push Ups completed. Starting to get that strength back.

For those following, there will be a point that you need to break up the push ups into different sets. That is ok and makes sense.

Here's my recommendation, whether you do the push ups from your knees or standard push ups, try to do the most amount of reps in a specific set right before you are unable to do anymore. Rest two minutes and then start your next set.

Another option is to split the sets in different parts of the day.

As you build strength, you will be able to do more reps in each set.


  1. Hi Carl! I did 9 knee push ups this morning (Monday, 11/9), and did have to rest briefly after 6. I've also started exercising as part of my morning routine/rising ritual. It feels good to build strength again! I've really let my muscles go since I started working from home in March -- commuting was my cardio! Thanks for doing this! ~ amy

  2. Nice work Amy. Keep up the great work. It is definitely ok to take rests. Give yourself a 1-2 minute break and finish up the set.


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